I received
an ARC on NetGalley in exchange for the honest review.
The blurb
of this book was kind of leading to a disaster. It was one of those books that
I thought I will not finish. But Anna Mocikat turned this into more than
enjoyable read.
I loved how
little information we were given in the first chapter. I really enjoyed
discovering who really the people from the first chapter were as the book
progressed. If I was told one of them was a vampire at the beginning I would
probably roll my eyes and stop reading. In the end the vampires were partially
a reason why I love the book so much.
My second favorite was Bombshell! Loved
her sarcastic and silly nature.
Colton felt
too perfect. He feels like the Gary-Stu type of character. He is handsome,
smart, and powerful; there is no flaw to his character. It makes him almost as
God. This was something that made me annoyed especially at the end with all of his
heroic actions. I would like to see some flaws in his actions and features in
the future books so he feels more reliable and human. (Unless he is not a
The main
evil female protagonist; Eurydice was reminding me too much of Underworld, but
this was not necessarily a bad thing. I really enjoyed her point of view and
most of all I really like the growth of her character.
The writing
style of the author seems very simple. A lot of information repeats itself
which is not necessary. The foreshadowing can be also improved. Some info was
just explained few lines before it was applicable. While it could have been
done at the beginning of the book when we are getting to know the setting of
the story.
these few flaws I really enjoyed the story! I really was involved in the
happenings and every moment of the day when I was not able to read I kept thinking
about the book and the story. What will happen next? I really want to know!
Tuto e-knihu som
dostala na NetGalley výmenou za môj názor.
Popis tejto knihy
viedol ku katastrofe. Myslela som, že to bude jedna z tých kníh, ktoré
nedočítam. Anna Mocikat však pretvorila tuto knihu na viac ako skvelú divokú
Páčilo sa mi ako
málo informácií sme na začiatku knihy dostali. Ako postupoval de, bavilo ma
zisťovať a odhaľovať kto sú vlastne postavy z prvej kapitoly. Ak by
mi hneď na začiatku niekto povedal, že jeden z nich je upír asi by som
prevrátila oči a knihu nikdy nedočítala. Nakoniec boli upíri jedna
z vecí ktorá sa mi na knihe páčila.
Moja druhá najobľúbenejšia bola
Bombshell. Táto sarkastická a vtipná postava mi prirástla k srdcu.
Colton sa mi zdal
perfektný, skoro až klasický Gary-Stu. Nádherný, múdry a mocný, jeho
postava nemala žiadnu chybu. To ho robilo skoro bohom a práve to ma trochu
hnevalo, hlavne ku koncu knihy kde sme si mohli všimnúť jeho úžasné výkony.
V budúcej knihe by som chcela vidieť nejaké charakterové chyby aby sa
Colton zdal viac človekom. (Pokiaľ teda je človek)
Hlavná záporná
predstaviteľka ,Eurydice, mi pripomínala Underworld, ale nebolo to na škodu.
Páčil sa mi jej pohľad na veci a to ako sa jej postava pomaly menila.
Štýl písania bol veľmi
jednoduchý. Veľa informácií sa opakovalo čo podľa mňa nebolo potrebné.
Foreshadowing by sa dalo tiež zlepšiť, pretože niektoré veci nám boli
vysvetlené dosť neskoro, tesne pred tým ako boli potrebné. Zatiaľ čo sa tá
informácia dala poskytnúť hneď na začiatku knihy keď sme sa zoznamovali so
Napriek týmto
malých chybičkám krásy ma kniha veľmi bavila. Vcítila som sa do deja
a prežívala som udalosti s postavami. Počas dňa kedy som nemohla
čítať som sa prichytila pri myšlienkach na postavy. Som zvedavá čo sa bude diať
v pokračovaní...
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