BR: The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas 5/5

“That's the problem. We let people say stuff, and they say it so much that it becomes okay to them and normal for us. What's the point of having a voice if you're gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn't be?” 

I was thinking a long time what shall I say about this book. It was brilliant obviously, but this read raises such important questions and problems. We have to and need to talk about this but I also feel like walking on the thin ice here... 

People say feminism and racism are not happening anymore. That it is in the past and I always say that we came a long way and learned a lot from our history. But I don't think we are in the finish just yet. I am the lucky one, I was born in Europe where I had the right to education and based on my lifestyle you can say I was and I am equal. I am white so I never experienced racism while growing up however it changed when I left my home and moved to England. So to everyone who tells me that we are equal, I say: "It is true I am at the better position that girls in India or Zimbabwe or Namibia but am I really equal?" What I have experienced is nothing in comparison with stories you can find if you look for them. Yes, you have to look for them because no one will put them on the news, in the papers or on display. 

The face of discrimination (of any kind) has changed. It is not glorified as slavery once was, no, it is happening in the shadows, hidden and subtle. Sometimes so subtle it takes you few minutes to realise you have been discriminated. My brain usually just stops and I blink with an empty look on my face and I think, did this really happen or is it just my imagination? I can't believe it and usually, the moment for the response or any kind of protective verbal reaction is gone and it is too late for me to point it out. In the case when I do point it out, I am told that I am overreacting, that it was a joke or I misunderstood what was said. But let's be honest here if you said something that made me think if it was racist or not, it probably was racist. 

People do not realise what they are saying, sometimes they do not believe themselves that they said racist or sexist. They just do not see it... they are good people. And that is exactly why we need more books like Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race and The Hate U Give.

I think that The Hate U Give has a great plot to teach you the problematics of the current racism and sexism. Angie Thomas wrote a great book, the story didn't have any slow or boring sections. The plot was gradually getting tenser with every chapter. The characters developed and changed. I really disliked Kenya at the beginning but as the book progresses I changed my mind. Starr was, of course, the main character and I admire this girl so much. She was strong and brave but she also had a lot of flaws which made her real. She struggled with life and she was unsure of decisions, she overthought and doubted her decisions and I love that about her.

I know the book is not a real story. I know it is not based on anyone's life, but I heard people saying that it is a true image of some peoples lifestyle and that made this book so difficult to read. It made me sad and horrified. It felt like a completely different planet, a different world. It made me aware of the racism and inequality problems and I think that was the main idea and main purpose of the THUG.

Angie Thomas is now one of my top writers and I can't wait to read everything she will write in the future. Her writing style was easy to read even with slang and expressions. It felt like she wrote the book in one afternoon it was perfectly smooth and continuous. One of the best books I read this year. 

THUG is obviously a Young Adult book, but it has a strong message inside so I would recommend this book to everyone. I would go as far as recommending this book on the schools' list for mandatory reads. 

Goodreads synopsis: 
Sixteen-year-old Starr lives in two worlds: the poor neighbourhood where she was born and raised and her posh high school in the suburbs. The uneasy balance between them is shattered when Starr is the only witness to the fatal shooting of her unarmed best friend, Khalil, by a police officer. Now what Starr says could destroy her community. It could also get her killed.

"What's the point of having a voice if you're gonna be silent in those moments you shouldn't be?"


August Bullet Journal - Adventure is Out There!

August is a very special and unusual month for me. I have finished my old job on the 10th of August and I am starting a new one in September which means I have three weeks off.
I am calling this period "professional Instagramer probation period". Because I have so much time off of work I decided to use it well and booked tickets to the biggest festival in the Netherlands, planned the holiday in Croatia and so my bullet journal for this month reflect that. The topic for the August Bullet Journal is Adventure is Out There!

The front page includes an artsy photo and little calendar to help me visualise the month. I went for the blue theme because it gives me major summer and holiday vibes. I do not use the calendar on the front page but I have an easy agenda where I mark the appointments for the month. I have to say I am very excited to go to my hairdresser's appointment. My hair needs the colour refresh and I am not happy how it looks on my Instagram photos at the moment.
The notes section at the bottom of the agenda is there to remind me of things to do which are not planned for any particular date. It already contains Giveaway note; so keep an eye on my Instagram for this if you wish to join.
On the page next to my agenda is a photo from a magazine and the bottom section is a washi tape.

I wanted to keep the water/holiday mood for a few more pages and I finished this one with boxes: Blog Ideas and Books that I read this month. On the other side, I did the Circle Mood Tracker and they are my favourite! I also really like to use only three moods: good, bad and normal. And of course, I am using the blue colours to fit in with the rest of the monthly theme.

Lowlands 2018 spread: What do you pack for the four-day festival? I have never been to the festival so I decided to do Packing list and write things that pop-up in my mind. So far I have pieces of clothes and accessories... what else do you need at the festival?
The second section is the artists I would like to see and I will tick them off the list as I go. I printed some photos from previous Lowlands years and used the same washi tape so the page fits in with the theme. The empty sections will be filled in after the festival. I am planning to print a photo of my friends and me from the festival and maybe write down about my favourite moment or favourite artist...

Next section of my monthly spread is dedicated to Croatia holiday which I am looking forward to very much. After the four day party, it will be good to just relax and sit by the pool or on the beach... with a book, of course. My boyfriend and I booked a week in the huge hotel resort close to Split; I haven't had a holiday like this in years. I usually go to discover cities or for hikes so this will be very different and hopefully a very relaxing time. 

The reason why we decided to go to Croatia this year is the Sea Organ in Zadar; for more than two years I wanted to visit the place and I decided it is the time to follow my dream. After we made plans I spoke to my mum about it and she told me that Croatia is the country where my parents went on a honeymoon and the only abroad location where my grandparents went on holiday. All of these facts made me feel like Croatia is meant to happen. I can't tell you enough how excited I am about this trip. So I already wrote down outfits I want to take with me and two places I want to visit. I will print some photos from the holiday and add them in.

If you follow me on Instagram you know that I recently hit the 1k followers goal. This is very exciting for me and I am so grateful for all of your support and kind encouragement. I have decided to create an Instagram Tracker to see the progress better and to celebrate every time I hit a little milestone. I can't express enough how much I value my followers and how lovely it is to get to know you all.
I also have the reading tracker as per usual. I am making the square if I find time to read and I will leave the space unfilled if I don't read. Simple as that.

The last page for the August month spread is the reflection. At the end of the month, I will look back and write down how I felt and what I learned. This is my second favourite part of the bullet journal.

Material used: 
- Black marker from Papermate flair M
- Stabilo Pen 68. Art. Nr: 68/11
- Stabilo Boss Mini Marker
- Blue Blow Pen
- Pencil Art. Nr: 110-3H


This or That? Answering some fundamental bookish questions.

Read how I faced some of the fundamental bookish questions which every reader comes across within their life. These questions about books are called This or That and I hope you can get to know me better. All of these answers are my own opinion and preference, and it doesn't mean that I only like the listed things. I love all the books and there are a lot of exceptions to the options that I present here. If the book is good, it is good - period.

Books, eBooks or Audio Books?
- Call me a dinosaur because I am a huge fan of the classic physical book. I also dislike online shopping and prefer to go to the stone bookshop to browse the shelves and see the books in person before buying them. Don't get me wrong, it is very nice to get the book delivered right to your door so what I do sometimes... and maybe it is not very nice of me... I go to a bookshop to look at which books I like and then order them online. Guilty!

Paperbacks or Hardcovers?
- Hardcovers all the way! They feel better in my hands. They feel valuable and important and I always keep them safe so they don't get damaged. It is hard to carry the hardcover around in the handbag so I do have some paperbacks too.

Fiction or Non-Fiction
- Fiction. Definitely. All of the fiction with magic and a made up world, different races or far in the future on the other planet... I read to escape the reality so the more different from the reality the book gets the more interested I am.

Series or Standalone?
- This is a hard question. I don't really have a preference but I read only one series at the time. I prefer to read standalone between the series parts. I read the Throne of Glass Series this year and I would like to finish it by the end of 2018.

Short Books or Long Books? (300 pages)
- I prefer short books. I feel like I read more if I get through two books a month than one long one. I also feel like they have more tension and better dynamic in the story and they do not fall into the boredom as often as books with more than 300 pages. But this is not always the rule and I do have favourite long books too.

Short Chapters or Long Chapters?
- I am not one of the bookies who have to stop reading at the end of the chapter or at the end of the page. I read a lot during my daily commute on the train and bus and I have to be able to close the book any minute so I am pretty comfortable to stop reading mid-sentence. I do not have any preference when it comes to the chapter lengths.

One Main Character or Group of Characters?
- I feel like I need to explain this. One Character would be for example Harry Potter where we see the story from his point of view and what he doesn't know we don't know either. Perfect example for Group of Main Character is Game of Thrones. Where different chapters have the story of different people. I think I prefer one character books, I feel as if there are a lot of characters I get lost who is who and how are they related. I am terrible with names too so if the character doesn't appear for some time I completely forget who they are. So annoying.

Female or Male Character
- I like a character I can relate to and that usually happens with female characters so I prefer that but here we have Harry Potter again standing out as a great exception to the rule.

First Person or Third Person Point of View?
- This one is easy. I love books written in the first person. It is so easy for me to relate to the main character this way. (FYI: Harry Potter books are my most favourite third person point of view books and my all times most favourite!)

Illustrated or Not Illustrated?
- This is a difficult one. Illustrations take parts of my fantasy away but then the world would be a very sad place without Allan Lee illustrated The Lord of the Rings books.

One book at the time or more book simultaneously?
-When I start reading I get so involved with characters and the story I don't want to break that with a different book. I am faithful to the one I am currently reading. Sometimes I get so into it I have book hangover for days and I can't pick my next read... so yeah... one book at the time.

If you enjoyed this article it would be great if you tell me your preference in the comments or on any other of my social media profiles.

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