About Podcasts

(English below)

Môj osobný názor je, že audio knihy sa nerátajú ako čítanie. Nechápte ma zle, ak máte radi hovorené slovo a počúvate audio knihy je to úžasné. Váš mozog ale vykonáva iný kognitívny proces, takže to nie je čítanie.
Ja nepočúvam audio knihy, ale mám veľmi rada podcasty. Počas práce alebo keď šoférujem domov z kancelárie vždy si nejaký pustím. Tu je zoznam mojich obľúbených podcastov, ktoré sa perfektne hodia pre knihomoľov:

Klarin Podcast.

Toto je skvelý podcast v češtine. Je to jediný podcast, ktorý počúvam v inom jazyku ako angličtine. Klárka je veľká knihomoľka s príjemným hlasom. Venuje sa dabingu o ktorom vám tiež v jednej epizóde porozpráva. Rozpráva tiež o seriáloch a filmoch. Rada cestuje a podcast robí v každej zaujímavej destinácii kam sa vyberie s jej kamarátkami. To, čo sa mi páči na tomto podcaste je množstvo tém. Nájdete tu cestovanie, knihy, jedlo... v podstate tu je všetko, čo knihomoli zbožňujú....

How to be a girl. (Ako byt dievca.)

Marlo Mack je gender mom. Jej malé dieťa (chlapček) jej povedalo že je dievča hneď ako bolo dosť veľké a vedelo rozprávať. Ako sa vysporiadať s takouto zmenou? Ako vychovávať dieťa, ktoré je v tak malom veku transgender? Odpovede nie sú, ale otázok je veľa...
Čo zbožňujem na tomto podcaste je, že Marlo nehovorí čo je správne a čo je nesprávne. Ako správna matka chce pre svoje dieťa len to najlepšie. A toto je skutočný príbeh jej rodiny... 

My dad wrote a Porno (Moj otec napisal Porno) 

Tento podcast je vlastne čítanie knihy Belinda Blinked od autora Rocky Flinstone. Je to erotická novela, ktorá je napísaná naozaj hrozne. Táto kniha je úplná katastrofa napísaná 60 ročným mužom. Takže jeho syn sa rozhodol ukázať túto strašnú knihu celému svetu a správnym štýlom ju zosmiešniť.
To, čo sa mi na tomto podcaste páči je, že epizódy sú krátke. Je to neskutočne vtipné a smiešne. Tiež zbožňujem anglický prízvuk troch členov tímu. Tento podcast je to najsmiešnejšie a najhnusnejšie čo som kedy počula.

Swish and Flick

Zvolávam všetkých Potterovcov! Ak ste si mysleli, že viete všetko o čarodejníckom svete... MÝLITE SA. Štyri dievčatá, ktoré sú zodpovedné za Swish and Flick vám dokážu, že je toho veľmi veľa čo neviete a čo treba objaviť. Postupne čítajú knihy, kapitolu za kapitolou a rozoberajú to, čo sa v nej udialo a verte mi keď vám poviem, že sa vám ani nesnívalo o tom čo sa v knihách skrýva.
Toto je momentálne môj najobľúbenejší podcast, pretože rozširuje moje Potterovské vedomosti a pretože ak nemôžem čítať (v práci) tak je to okno do čarodejníckeho sveta. Keď dievčatá vysvetlia niečo čo ma doteraz ani len nenapadlo mám zimomriavky a všetky vlasy mi stoja dupkom. Som neskutočne šťastná a nadšená že tento podcast existuje. NAJLEPŠÍ PODCAST NA SVETE! 

Unexpected Podcast - Talkin’ Tolkien (Necakany Podcast - Rozpravame Tolkiena)

Zatiaľ som počula len prvú epizódu, ale viem že to budem zbožňovať. Za tento podcast sú zodpovedný dvaja muži, ktorí znova čítajú Pána Prsteňov. Začínajú trilógiou, ale v pláne je postupne prejsť cez všetky Tolkienove knihy. Ako postupujú kapitolu po kapitole vysvetľujú a spájajú väčšie súvislosti, ktoré nám Tokien zanechal v jeho knihách.
Zatiaľ vám neviem presne povedať prečo je tento podcast super, ale .... je to predsa Pán Prsteňov! Ak toto nie je dostatočný dôvod na vypočutie tak neviem čo je.

Aké podcasty počúvate vy?

I personally don’t consider the audiobooks as reading. I am not going to judge you if you enjoy the audiobooks because spoken word is always a great fun but to me it is not reading.
I don’t do audio books but I do enjoy podcast when I am working or during the driving to and from the office. So here are my fav podcasts perfect for booklovers.

 Klarin podcast 

This is a great podcast for Slovakian and Czech people, it is not in English - sorry. Klarka is a huge bookie with smoothing voice. She also overdabs for a tv which she has an episode about too. She talks about series as well as movies. She loves to travel and she does podcast from all exciting destinations that she goes to with her friends.
What I like about the podcast is the variety of topics. There is travel, there are books, food… there is everything that bookies love.

How to be a girl. 

Marlo Mack is a gender mom. Her little baby boy told her that she is a girl as soon as she was able to speak. How do you deal with such a change? How do you raise a transgender child? So many questions and no answers...
What I love about this podcast is that Marlo doesn’t say what is right and what is wrong. She does what she feels is the best for her child (as every other mum does). And this is just her family story...

My dad wrote a Porno - FOR ADULTS ONLY!

The podcast is an actual read of a book called Belinda Blinked by Rocky Flintstone. This is an erotic novel, but it is written in a horrible way. This book is a disaster novel written by 60 year old man. So his son decided to show this horrible book to the world and make fun of it in the right way.
What I love about this podcast is that the episodes are short. I love how much fun there is. I also enjoy the British accent of the three involved protagonists. This podcast is the funniest and most discussing thing I have ever heard. And I am here for it... 

Swish and flick. 

Calling all Potterheads, if you think you know everything about the wizarding world… YOU. ARE. WRONG. The four girls behind the Swish and flick podcast will prove you that there is so much knowledge still to be discovered. They re-read the books one chapter at a time and then they analyse everything that happens and trust me when I say that they make connections that I have never dreamed of. 
I love this podcast because it expands my Potter knowledge, because it is a window into the wizarding world. When they explain something that I never thought about until now I get chills and hair on the back of my neck stands up. I am so so so excited and happy this podcast exsists. BEST PODCST EVER!

Unexpected Podcast – Talkin’ Tolkien

I have only listened to the first episode of Talkin’ Tolkien, but I know I will love this. The two men who are behind this brilliant thing are re-reading the Lord of the Rings books. They start with the trilogy but the plan is to go thorugh all the books. As they re-read one chapter at a time they explain and connect dots that Tolkien left us in his book. 
 I can’t tell you at this point why I love this podcast as I only heard the first episode, but … it is freaking Lord of the Rings guys. If that is not why to listen to this then I don’t know what is.

What podcasts do you listen to?


2020 Book Releases I am excited about

The Night Country by Melissa Albert
Expected Publication Date: 7. January 2020

GoodReads: 4 stars
The second part of The Hazel Wood. In the The Night Country, Alice dives back into a menacing, mesmerizing world of dark fairy tales and hidden doors. Follow her and Ellery Finch as they learn The Hazel Wood was just the beginning, and that worlds die not with a whimper, but a bang…

My thoughts:
Have I read the first book? No. Am I excited about the second book? HELL YES! Despite the fact that I don’t even own The Hazel Wood the blurb is exciting. The story line of both are interesting and I want to read them, but why, oh why, are there so many other books already on my shelf that I need to read first?

The Throne of Swans by Katharine Corr and Elizabeth Corr
Expected publication date: 9. January 2020

GoodReads: 4 stars
In a world where the flightless are ruled by those who can fly…
When her father dies just before her birthday 17 years old Aderyn inherits the role of Protector of of Atratys, a dominion in a kingdom where nobles are able to transform at will in the bird that represents their family bloodline. Aderyn’s ancestral bird is s swan. But she has not transformed since witnessing the death of her mother – ripped apart by hawks that have supposedly been extinct since the  long ago War of the Raptors. With her parents gone she is in the mercy of her brutal uncle, the king and his court. Driven by revenge and love she must venture into hear of the Citadel in order to seek the truth about the attack that so nearly destroyed her and fight for the home she vowed to protect.

My thoughts: I love the idea of people transforming into birds. It is essentially one of my dreams. To be able to fly free like a bird. I doubt this book will have this element but I am very excited to find out. Apart from the magic element there is a promise of plotting and foreshadowing on the high level and I feel like this book might be very unpredictable. But I guess I will have to see for myself.

Dreamland by Nancy Bilyeau
Expected publishing date: 16. January 2020

Good Reads: 4 stars
The year is 1911 when 20 year old heiress Peggy is ivited to spend the summer in America’s Playbgound. Initiation to the Luxurious Oriental House is unwelcome, Peggy would much rather spend time working in the bookstore than keeping up appearances with her New York City snobbish controlling family. But soon it transpires that the hedonism of nearby Coney Island affords Peggy freedom and it is not long before she fall in love with troubled artist who Batternberg patriarchs would not approve of. Hidden behind their pomposity lurks a web of deceit, betrayal and deadly secrets. As bodies start to mount up amidst the sweltering clamour it seem the powerful can get away with anything … even murder.

My thoughts:
Ok, this sounds like a boring romance… wait a minute bodies what? I think this might be great book that starts all sweet and soft and page by page goes darker then you would think. This sounds good to me and I can’t wait to start reading. I asked for ebook ARC and I got it… so the book review might come your way soon.

All the Stars and Teeth by Adalyn Grace
Expected publication day: 4. February 2020

Good Reads: 4 stars
Set in a kingdom where danger lurks beneath the sea, mermaid seek vengeance with song, and magic is a choice.

My thoughts: The title doesn’t sound very good… but hold on, mermaids? Magic? I am in! this is the first book in the series and I think it might be very interesting journey into the underwater world which we don’t get to visit enough in the books.  It reminds me of one of the short stories from The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo which I LOVED! So if I can get a series similar to that story I am ready to dive in! (Pun intended)

Havenfall by Sara Holland
Expected Publication date: 3 march 2020

Good Reads: 4 Stars
Maddie Morrow lives for the summers at the Inn at Havenfall, hidden up in the mountain of Colorado. The Inn is the only place where she gets to see the boy she loves, Brekken and it provides an escape from her real life, which consists of endless mind-numbing days at High School… and visits to the local prison where her mother sits on Death Row accused of murdering Maddie’s brother. This summer everything is going wrong a dead body is discovered that shatters the Inn’s sanctuary status. Who is responsible for the murder? Maddie realizes even greater dangers face them all….

My thoughts: I was honoured to read 30 pages extract of this upcoming book. I am thrilled! Sara Holland writing style is so appealing. The story is about our world and fictional worlds that all meet in one place called Havenfall. This is some kind of portal or passage between all of them. There is magic and some long gone war…. I am sitting on the edge of my chair just after 2 chapters! I have so many questions about the plot and I can’t wait to get the answers in March!

The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins
Expected Publication date: 19.May 2020

GoodReads: 4 stars
This book will revisit the world of Panem sixty-four years before the events of The Hunger Games, starting on the morning of the reaping of the tenth Huger Games.

My thoughts: OH BOY! OH BOY! OH BOY! I have chills. I have goose bumps and I can’t sit still. The Hunger games was a trilogy I didn’t let go from my hands. I was reading while walking to school (no joke). Already pre-ordered this one and I bet it will be my fav book of the year!

The Sky Weaver by Kristen Ciccarelli
Expected Publication Date: 28 May 2020

GoodReads: 4 stars
At the end of one world, there always lies another. Safire, a soldier, knows her role in the world is to serve the king of Firgaard – Helping to maintain the peace in her oft-troubled nation. Eris a deadly pirate, has no such conviction. Known as the Death Dancer for their ability to evade the most determined of pursuers she posses

My thoughts: You had me at “dragons” at book one so just gimme the ending!
*Update: I recieved approval on NetGalley so I will be reading this at the begining of the year! yeek!

The Empire of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty
Expected publication day: 30 June 2020

GoodReads: 4 stars
The final chapter in the bestselling Daevabad Trilogy in which con-woman and an idealistic djin prince join forces to save a magical kingdom from devastation civil war.

My thoughts: I have no idea what I just read/wrote…. I haven’t managed to read the first two books and the 3rd one is already coming out?! Oh well, I guess I will just have to buy all three and read them in one breath. Anyone wants to join me?


Priepast - Jozef Karika 3/5

(English below)

Jozef Karika je jeden z mála slovenských autorov ktorých čítam. Píše krimi, horrory a trilery. Jeho kniha Trhlina dosiahla úžasný úspech a bola dokonca sfilmovaná. Bola to tiež prvá kniha z jeho pera, ktorú som čítala a bola perfektná! Bola strašidelná a napínavá; celú recenziu nájdete tu.

Tento článok je ale o jeho najnovšej knihe - Priepasť.

Bývalý lezec trpiaci panickým strachom z výšok narazí na legendu o skalnej plošine v Tatrách, kde neznáma sila núti ľudí, ktorí tam zablúdia, skočiť do priepasti a zabiť sa. Nezvyčajné množstvo smrteľných nehôd v tejto oblasti mu nedá spávať. Rozbehne pátranie na vlastnú päsť, lenže skutočnosti, ktoré odhalí, sa vymykajú ľudskej predstavivosti a chápaniu. Za svoju zvedavosť kruto zaplatí – sám sa ocitne na hrane priepasti.
Je stará legenda horských vodcov o nadprirodzenej sile zhadzujúcej ľudí do hlbín iba strašidelná fáma, alebo obsahuje zrnko pravdy?

Príbeh znie naozaj zaujímavo a vo svojej podstate je veľmi sľubný, hlavne pre ľudí ktorí žijú v blízkosti Vysokých Tatier a poznajú okolie, pretože táto kniha je založená na reálnom mieste a záhadné úmrtia tiež nie sú fikcia. Viem si predstaviť, že Slováci, ktorí nikdy neboli v Tatrách sa budú poriadne báť, pretože nevedia ako to v horách chodí (všetci sa bojíme neznámeho).

Napriek tomu ma táto kniha nevystrašila tak ako som očakávala. Je dlhá, okolo 300 strán, a počet vecí, ktoré sa môžu odohrať a ktoré môže povedať hladný hrdina zaseknutý na 2 metrovej plošine 29 metrov nad zemou je limitovaný. Tým pádom sa väčšina knihy odohráva len v jeho hlave. Po určitom počte strán sa metafory a synonymá a prirovnania opakovali a boli otravné. Odobralo to na napätí a strašidelnosti. Chýbal moment prekvapenia, niečo nečakané a šokujúce.

Čo ale musím vyzdvihnúť je prepracovanosť psychiky hlavného hrdinu. Adam bol výborne zobrazený, jeho vnútorný boj aj motivácia sa postarali o zaujímavé časti v knihe. Prelínanie sna, reality, halucinácie boli rovnako úžasné a častokrát som nevedela čo sa deje naozaj a čo nie. Rozštiepenie jeho osobnosti v závere knihy bolo pozoruhodné.

Celkovo táto kniha však nebola strašidelná. Oproti Trhline, keď som sa dva týždne bála ísť v noci na záchod, Priepasť bola slabšia a tak trochu sklamanie. Jozef Karika je však výborný spisovateľ a určite si prečítam aj jeho ďalšie knihy.


One of the few Slovakian authors I am actually read is Jozef Karika. He writes crime, horror and thriller books. His book Trhlina (the Rift) was a huge success and was made into a film. It was also the first book I read from his pen and I loved it. It was scary, it was tense... You can read my full review here.

This article is about his latest book – Priepast.

I will tell you briefly the plot of a book but if you don’t want any spoilers skip this section and go to the next paragraph.

The book tells a story of an ex-climber Adam who is afraid of heights since his father (also a climber) fell off a cliff and tragically died. He, by coincidence, comes across a mysterious legend about rocky ledge in the Slovakian mountain range of High Tatras where unknown force makes people jump into the chasm and kill themselves. There was an unusual number of unsolved deadly cases in the same area over the years that do not let Adam rest. He decides to investigate on his own but the things he discovers are not what you would expect. He pays a price for his curiosity – he finds himself on the edge of the abyss.
Adam gets stuck on the ledge with the horrible power crushing him in waves. His best friend Miro dies in the attempt to help him and when things get worse because of the changeable mountain weather Adam calls the mountain guards for help. Two men show up to save him but the power of the sprunggeist (as he calls it) is too strong and the two saviors dive into the abyss too. Adam, trapped and scared on the cliff, 29 meters above the ground, goes thought psychological terror and physical harm as his personality slowly changes. At the end of the book he gets to the conclusion that no one can save him but himself. Barely alive and with spilt personality Adam manages to get off the cliff and crawls from the mountain valley to the closest village. After this terrible experience he spends weeks in hospital and talks to the police about the deaths. When he is released from the hospital he is not the same. Up there he understood something and life will never be the same. The jump into the abyss is not the end, but the beginning. Hence he returns to the cliff and the rocky ledge just to finish what the sprunggeist was asking for.
Is the old legend just made up by the mountain guides or is there something real in the story?

The story might sound interesting to you and in its core it is very promising, especially for people who live close to the mountains and know the area as this is based on the real place and real mysterious deaths that indeed happened. I can imagine that people who live in Slovakia and never been to High Tatras might even be terrified as they don’t know the mountain environment (we are all scared of unknown). I do understand that this is not interesting for the foreigners who don’t know Slovakia well.

Nevertheless the book didn’t scare me much. It was too long and there is only limited amount of things you can do and say if your main character is stuck on a 2 meter square of a rocky ledge at 29 meter high cliff. Most of the book was happening only in Adam’s mind. After certain number of pages the metaphors and synonyms were just annoying. It took the tension and the fear away. I was missing some kind of surprise or maybe a mindfuck moment.

What was really good in the book was the detailed psychological picture of the main character. Adam was perfectly pictured, his internal conflict and motivation were sources of some very interesting parts of the book. The way the reality, dream and hallucination blended was perfect. I wasn’t sure what is really happening and what is just in his head. The split personality at the end was portrayed in a great way too.

Overall the book wasn’t scary. Compared to Trhlina, when I was scared to go to toilet at night for two weeks Priepast was weaker and a bit disappointing. Jozef Karika is great writer though and I will definitely try his next book as well.


October Bullet Journal

“I am so glad I live in the world where there are Octobers.”

(English below)

Pre mesiac október som sa rozhodla použiť jesenné farby hnedú, zlatú a oranžovú. Celý mesiac teda pôsobí jemne a upokojujúco. Kúpila som si, nie jednu, ale TRI sety washi lepiacich pások a preto som sa rozhodla niektoré z nich vyskúšať takže tento mesiac je ukážka farebnej palety mojich washi lepiacich pások.

Kalendár je zorganizovaný to klasických štvorcov, je to môj obľúbený typ, pretože do jedného štvorčeka dokážem napísať viac vecí ak je to potrebné. Pod názov mesiaca som pridala malý citát aby som vyplnila stranu.

Pretože toto je môj pracovný diár To Do – zoznam úloh ktoré treba urobiť – je väčší ako v mojom súkromnom plánovači. Jedna strana je už pripravená a prepíšem do nej úlohy ktoré som nedokončila v Septembri. Druhá strana je ozdobená s malým citátom a môže ostať aj prázdna alebo na konci mesiaca ju ozdobím washi páskami ak ju nevyužijem. Uvidíme….
Týždňové hárky sú v pracovnom diári tak jednoduché ako sa len dá, pretože je to o užitočnosti a nie o umeleckosti. Pracujem v inžinierskom prostredí a priznám sa že som sa cítila troche trápne používať svoj umelecký, vyzdobený diár.

Používate diár alebo plánovač? Máte ho kvôli práci alebo pre osobný život? Alebo možno máte dva tak ako ja? Napíšte mi.


For the month of October I decided to go with the autumn colours: brown, gold and orange. The whole monthly spread is calming. I bought, not one but THREE, washi tapes sets so I decided to try some of them out hence this month is a show case of the colour scheme washi tapes.

For the calendar I chose the squares, this is my favourite one as I manage to fit few things in if needed. I added a little quote under the month title just to fill up a page.

Because this is my work bullet journal the To Do list here is much bigger then in my personal one. One side is already prepared for some tasks that I need to move from September. The page on the right side is decorated with little quote and might as well stay empty or I will add some washi tapes at the end of the month if I don’t use it. We will see…

For my work, I do weekly spreads and I like to keep them as simple as possible, because it is more about the functionality then art. I work in busy engineering environment and I felt a bit embarrassed to bring my super artsy bullet journal to work.

Let me know if you use bullet journal for work or for private life. Or maybe you have two like me?


Boekhandel Dominicanen

(English below the picture) 

Je tu ďalší z mojich článkov v rubrike „Svetové knižnice a kníhkupectvá“. Ako viete, doteraz som navštívila slávnu knižnicu v Manchestri, v Anglicku a Kníhkupectvo v Porto, v Portugalsku kde sa natáčal Harry Potter.

Tentokrát som nemusela ísť ďaleko. Jedinečné, jedno z milióna, kníhkupectvo sa nachádza v meste Maastricht v Holandsku. To, čím sa toto kníhkupectvo líši od ostatných je budova v ktorej sa nachádza. Je totiž situované v starom kostole v centre mesta a volá sa Boekhandel Dominicanen (v preklade Dominikánske Kníhkupectvo).

Kostol premenili na kníhkupectvo v roku 2006. Predtým slúžil tak ako mal, ako dominikánsky chrám. Bol postavený v 13tom storočí v gotickom štýle. Určite vám naskočia zimomriavky hneď na prvý pohľad. Typické oblúky, vysoké a priestranné okná spolu s nebosiahlym klenbovým stropom sa postarajú o to, že návštevníci sa cítia ako vstúpili do minulosti.

Po páde kláštora v 18tom storočí slúžil tento kostol na viacero účelov. Tie najneočakávanejšie zahŕňajú úschovňu bicyklov, mestsky sklad a iné dávajú sa dajú očakávať, ako napríklad maliarsky dom.Podľa mňa je kíhkupectvo najvhodnejšie pre tak nádhernú a kultúrou nasiaknutú budovu. Teda nie je to len môj názor, podľa stránky solosophie.com tento kostol navštívi vyše 700,000 knihomoľov ročne.
Kníhkupectvo taktiež organizuje rôzne verejné čítania, rozhovory a debaty. Takže nie len že tu nájdete tisícky kníh všetkých možných žánrov, ale taktiež sa môžete zapojiť do zaujímavých knižných podujatí. A ak vás začnú bolieť nohy môžete si v časti predného oltára sadnúť a vychutnať šálku dobrej kávy. Coffeelover Company ktorá má malú kaviareň vnútri kostola ponúka koláčiky a tiež skvelý výber čajov.

Musím sa priznať že počas mojej návštevy som bola nesmierne unavená, ale tak či tak som si to užila naplno. Atmosféra je tu neopísateľná. Prítomnosť kníh v tak veľkom a priestrannom chráme rovno pod kostolnou strechou vás určite očarí. Strávila som hodiny prezeraním si kníh. Mali všetky špeciálne vydania Alice v Krajine Zázrakov, netreba si objednávať z internetu. Takže si viete predstaviť že ani ja som neodišla s prázdnymi rukami a odniesla som si knihu Čarodej zo Zememorí od Urshuly K. Le Guinovej.

Knižný kostol? Tak to je presne môj druh náboženstva...

Another article from my “Worldwide Libraries and Bookstores” series is here. As you know so far I visited Public Library in Manchester, United Kingdom and bookshop in Porto, Portugal where Harry Potter movies were filmed. 

This time I didn’t have to go far from my home. There is a unique, one in million bookshop in the city of Maastricht, the Netherlands. What makes this bookshop so unique is the building. This bookstore is located in the old church in the city center and it is known under name Boekhandel Dominicanen.

The church was turned into bookshop in 2006. Before this time it served as Dominican Church. Built in gothic style in 13th century the structure gives chills on the first look. The typical arches, huge wide windows and high vaulted ceilings make sure that the visitors feel like they stepped back in time.

The church was used for several other purposes after the fall of the monastery in the 18th century. Some of them were the most unusual ones; bike storage, city warehouse and some quite inspiring like painting house. But I think the bookshop is most suited for such beautiful building and it is not just me; the website solosophie.com reports that over 700.000 visitors come to the bookshop every year.

The bookshop also organizes debates, readings or interviews. So not only there are thousands of books in all kind of genres, you can also join in for some of the interesting events. And if your legs get tired of walking among the bookshelves you can sit down at the front chancel and drink great cup of coffee. The Coffeelover Company located inside the church also provides cakes and lovely selection of teas.

I have to admit I was very tired during my visit but I enjoyed it nonetheless. The atmosphere is indescribable. The presence of books in huge vast space under the high church ceiling will definately impress you. I spent long hours just browsing the books. They had all the special editions and collectable books on display so you can walk out with unique Alice in Wonderland edition. No need to order online. I didn’t leave without a book and I purchased, for so long wanted, Wizard of the Earthsea collection by Ursula K. Le. Guin.

Now, a Book Church? This is my kind of religion.


YALC 2019

(English below)

Zvykla som byť tichá a hanblivá knihomoľka. Skrývala som sa vo svojej izbe a knihy som čítala potajme, aby ma nikto nevidel. Toto všetko sa zmenilo, keď som začala môj bookstagram. Odrazu je v poriadku čítať v autobuse, v metre alebo vo vlaku. Je OK zobrať si knihu do parku alebo do kaviarne. Našla a spoznala som ľudí, ktorí tiež čítajú všade a práve oni mi dodali odvahu pridať sa k nim. Dokonca som zistila, že knihomoli sa občas radi stretávajú.

Som rada, že môžem povedať „Našla som mojich ľudí.“ Ľudí, ktorí sa idú zblázniť na podujatiach organizovaných vydavateľmi, autormi a kníhkupectvami. Ľudí, ktorí obdivujú a sú nadšení autormi, ktorých tváre videli iba na vnútornej strane obalu knihy alebo ilustrátorov ktorých tvár nikdy nevideli. Vymieňajú si knihy, recenzie a tipy čo čítať. Milujú postavy, ktoré vlastne neexistujú a zhovárajú sa o nich akoby ich poznali od detstva. Vďaka bookstagramu som zistila že knihomoli sú priateľský a komunikatívny a neskrývajú sa do komory pod schodmi, no a tento rok som pripravená ich stretnúť...

Dostať sa do Olympie v Londýne bolo celkom jednoduché. Sophia (na Instagrame @sohias_bookemporium) zistila vlakové a metro spojenia deň pred akciou, za čo som jej veľmi vďačná. No a potom sme už len sledovali dav, čo sa nakoniec ukázalo ako zlý nápad, pretože dav ľudí smeroval na Londýnsky Comic Con a nie na YALC (Young Adult Literarure Con). Vďaka tomu sme trochu zmokli, ale nakoniec všetko dobre dopadlo a našli sme ten správny vstup. Už od skorého rána sme boli obe nadšené a tešili sme sa. Počas čakania na otvorenie dverí a začiatok podujatia sme dokonca zazreli ako prichádza Victoria Schwab, ktorá podpisovala knihy počas celého víkendu.
Hneď ako sa otvorili dvere dav knihomoľov sa valil dnu. Niektorí kráčali a niektorí bežali. Sophia a ja sme vedeli, že máme celý deň pred sebou takže sme sa snažili neponáhľať. Akcia bola menšia ako som na Londýn očakávala. Na začiatok sme si zobrali mapu a oboznámili sme sa s priestorom. Obišli sme si stánky a prezreli si kto sa kde nachádza. Ďalšou povinnosťou bolo zobrať si lístky do virtuálneho radu na podpisovanie kníh. Toto bolo dôležité pre populárnych autorov ako je Victoria Schwab a Jim Kay – ilustrátor Harryho Pottera. No a potom už moje kroky viedli priamo do môjho obľúbeného anglického kníhkupectva Waterstones. Samozrejme že som si kúpila hneď dve knihy. Obe Harry Potter. Ilustrovaný Kameň Mudrcov, ktorý som si dala v ten den aj podpísať Jimom Kayom a Väzňa z Azkabanu v špeciálnej Slyzolínskej edícii.

Hneď potom sme zamierili k naším obľúbeným stánkom. Zapojili sme sa do pár súťaží a do niekoľkých žrebovaní, no ani Sophia ani ja sme nemali šťastie. Napriek tomu sme dostali zopár malých predmetov zdarma vrátane Fairyloot printov, ktoré nám ich ilustrátorka hneď aj podpísala, Odznaky inšpirované knihami od niekoľkých vydavateľstiev a čo bolo najviac vyrušujúce krátke ukážky kníh, ktoré budú ešte len vydané.

Môj obľúbený booksleeve obchod Paperandword mal tiež na YALC stánok. Booksleeves, ktoré tento obchod predáva sú úžasné. Jemné, farebné, hravé a mäkučké a perfektne ochránia vaše knihy. Takže som si samozrejme kúpila dva. Nemohla som odolať. Rovnako bolo úžasné stretnúť osôbku ktorá ich vyrába. Abby je majiteľkou obchodu a vymenili sme si veľa správ na Instagrame. Tento obchod som tri mesiace reprezentovala a práve preto bolo neuveriteľné stretnúť Abby osobne. Priradiť tvár a osobnosť k menu.

Zľavy a akcie na knihy, ktoré vydavateľstvá ponúkali boli ozaj super. Knihy v mäkkom obale stáli len 5 libier, čo je momentálne približne 5eur. Musela som sa veľmi kontrolovať keďže som do Londýna letela len s príručnou batožinou a nebola som si istá či sa mi všetky knihy zmestia. Toto na budúci rok zmením a zariadim si poriadny kufor.

Najväčším zážitkom dňa však bolo podpisovanie kníh. Victoria Schwab s čelenkou s mačacími ušami bola neskutočne milá a roztomilá.
No stretnutie s Jimom Kayom, ilustrátorom Harryho Pottera, bolo to najlepšie čo som počas dňa zažila. Bolo zrejmé že patrí medzi nás. Bol z davu ľudí nervózny a vyzeral že je mu to celé tak trochu trápene. Napriek tomu bol veľmi milý, neponáhľal sa s podpismi a každého sa opýtal aspoň jednu otázku a bol zhovorčivý. Toto stretnutie spôsobilo že Jima Kaya zbožňujem ešte viac ako doteraz.

Celkovo bol Londýnsky YALC super. Stretla som veľa ľudí ktorých poznám cez bookstagram. 

Poznám ich fotky a štýl ich profilov, zhováram sa s nimi v komentoch a v DM ale toto bolo stretnutie na živo. Teraz viem priradiť tvár k profilu a vďaka tomu mám pocit že je to kamarátstvo silnejšie.

I used to be a private and shy bookie. I used to hide in my bedroom and read there so no one can see me. This changed when I started my bookstagram account. Suddenly, it was ok to read on the bus, on the metro or on the train. It was ok to take a book to the park or to a café. I found people who also did this and they encouraged me in my reading. I also found out that bookies like to meet from time to time.

I found my kind of people. People who go crazy at events where publishers, bookstores and authors gather to provide and show their products. People who celebrate and get star struck by authors whose face they saw only on the inside of the dustjacket or illustrators whose face they never seen. They exchange books, reviews and reading tips. They are in love with people who do not exist and can talk about them like they are mutual friends. I found out that readers are social, they don’t hide in cupboards under the stairs and this year I am ready to join them…

Arriving to Olympia in London was fairly easy Sophia (from @sohias_bookemporium) looked the train connections day ahead and I am so thankful for that. We followed the crowd and that was kind of mistake as everyone else was going to the comic con. We got rained on but eventually we found the YALC entrance and all was well. At this point I was really excited, while waiting we got a little glance at Victoria Schwab who walked into the building not too far from us.

As soon as the door opened we walked in, some people ran but we had nowhere to hurry as we had all day to spend at the event. It was smaller than I expected. We discovered the floor plan and did a first round to familiarize ourselves with where everything is located. Then we picked the Virtual Queue tickets for Schwab and Jim Kay. And after that my steps lead directly to the Waterstones. I wanted to buy two books as soon as possible because I was worried they would sell out. I picked two Harry Potter books. The Illustrated edition of Philosopher’s Stone by Jim Kay as I planned to get it signed later and 20 year anniversary Slytherin Edition of Prisoner of Azkaban.

After that we went around our favorite stands to see if we can get any items. We took some raffle tickets and joined several competitions but unfortunately nor I or Sophia were lucky enough to win. We did get several free items including Fairyloot prints signed by the illustrator, book inspired pins from various publishers. The most exciting were the book previews.

Paperandword shop. This sleeve shop is absolutely amazing. The sleeves are funky, colorful and playful. They are squishy and soft and protect your books well. I purchased two sleeves as I couldn’t resist. It was so lovely to meet the person behind the shop too. I spoke with Abby on Instagram a lot and it was amazing to see her in person.

The book deals at the YALC were absolutely amazing. The paperback were sold for 5 pounds each. I had to stop myself from buying them as I flew in with only hand luggage and I was sure they would not fit in my suitcase.

The highlight of my day was meeting Jim Kay. He was absolutely amazing. You could see how uncomfortable he felt meeting all of the book enthusiast and how much he cared about every single of us. He took his time with the signing and made sure he chatted to us too. Asked us a question. It made me love him even more. Jim Kay is like us. He also likes to hide behind his art and feels anxious in the crowd. I will forever love the photo we took together. 

Overall the event was great! I got to meet a lot of people I know from Instagram. I know their photos and I talk to them in comments and DMs but this was personal. I have face behind the account and it makes me feel more connected to my bookish friends.

Looking forward to meet you all next year. Until then we stay in touch on the bookstagram. This community is truly amazing.


Neverwhere - Neil Geman 5/5

(English below)

Odkedy som čítala Oceán na konci ulice chcem prečítať viac kníh z pera Neila Geimana. Jeho predstavivosť a rozprávanie patria medzi moje najobľúbenejšie a rovnako patri medzi autorov, ktorým sa nevenujem ako by si zaslúžili. Neil Geiman je majster slova a kúzelník, ktorý vie opísať objekt bez toho, aby vám o ňom povedal jediné slovo. Keď príde na knihy Neila Geimana viete, že všetko vám bude ukázane, nie povedané.
Spomeniem len jednu časť z knihy, kde autor spomína svietnik. Tato časť sa nachádza skoro na konci knihy. V odseku sa nedozviete jedinú vec o tomto svietniku. Neviete či je zlatý alebo strieborný, veľký či malý ani koľko sviečok udrží… nie, nič také tam nie je. Namiesto toho je napísane niečo takéto:

Vrátnik zapaľoval sviečky vo svietniku. Taký svietnik často vidíte na obaloch béčkových románov kde ho drží v ruke mladá žena v priliehavej nočnej košeli zo saténu, v pozadí je veľký dom s jediným oknom zaliatym svetlom. Väčšinou je to okno v podkroví.
(toto nie je citát ale parafráza z knihy tak ako si ju pamätám)

PERFEKTNE! Tento odstavec v knihe si určite žiada poklonu. Toto je typ autora, akým chcem jedného dna byť (keď vyrastiem a budem veľká…).

Čo ma však na tejto knihe zaujalo ako prvé bolo miesto deja. Príbeh sa odohráva v mojom obľúbenom meste - v Londýne. A v Londýne pod Londýnom. Ste zmetení? Ja som tiež bola… ale zároveň som bola zvedavá. Predstavila som si niečo ako svet hore nohami zo seriálu Stranger Things. Alebo inú dimenziu do ktorej sa dostanete cez akýsi portál.
Žiadny portál v knihe nebol… alebo bol? Ani po prečítaní knihy vám, žiaľ, o Londýne pod Londýnom a ako to cele funguje neviem veľa povedať, ale čo vám viem s istotou povedať je, že to úžasné! Toto je typické pre Neila Geimana, nedostanete odpovede na všetky vaše otázky no zbožňujete tie vynechane a neznáme miesta. Napriek tomu že mnohokrát chýba vysvetlenie celé to dáva zmysel. Je to mätúce, ale taký je aj život a Neil Geiman to dokáže perfektne odzrkadliť v knihách.

Hlavným hrdinom je Richard Mayhew a Lady Dvierka a musím vám povedať že sú to dve úžasné postavy. Oboch som ich zbožňovala. Obdivujem ako autor dokáže vytvoriť tak diametrálne odlišné charaktery. Niektoré sa počas deja vyvinuli a zmenili viac iné menej, ale všetky mali prepracovanú históriu a pozadie takže je ľahké cítiť sa akoby ste ich poznali roky.

To čo sa mi ale najviac páčilo na tejto knihe bol okamih ktorý ja volám „niet cesty späť“, ktorý som tiež zbožňovala v Pánovi Prsteňov. Ak chcete vedieť čo presne mám na mysli budete si ale musieť prečítať knihu... 

Ever since I read the Ocean at the End of the Lane few years ago I wanted to read more books by Neil Geiman. His imagination and storytelling is one of my favourites. He is one of the authors I don’t appreciate or cherish enough; the master of the words and magician who can describe a thing without telling you single word about it. With Neil Geiman it is all about showing, there is no telling in his books at all.

I am going to mention a candle stick Neil mentions somewhere almost at the end of the book. He doesn’t tell you one thing about this particular object. You don’t know if it is gold, silver, big or small, how many candles it holds…. You know nothing of such. Instead she says something like this:

The doorman was lighting a candlestick. It was a candlestick like you see on the covers of the cheap novels where it’s usually held by a young woman in revelling silk night gown; there is a house in the background with one window lit up, usually left one in the attic.
(This is not a quote I paraphrased the section as I remember it.)

PERFECTION! I have to bow to the masterpiece this description is. This is the type of an author I aspire to be. (One day, when I grow up...)

What made me interested in this book, in the first place, was the setting. The story is taking place in my favourite city – London. And in the London under the London. Are you confused? I was as well… and intrigued! I imagined something like Upside Down from Stranger Things. Maybe different dimension where the characters will go via some portal.
There was no portal... or was there? After finishing the book I can’t tell you much about this London under the London and how it works but I can tell you I loved it. This is what Neil’s books are like, not all questions are answered but you are loving the blank spaces. Despite lack of explanation of certain things you know it all make perfect sense. It is confusing, but life is confusing at the times and Neil perfectly reflects that in his fictional world.

The main characters are Richard Mayhew and lady Door and I have to say they are splendid! I loved them both so much. I admire how well Neil creates diverse characters. Some progressed during the book more and some less but they all had so much background I feel like I know them my whole life!
What I love the most about this story was the ‘I can’t go back’ moment that I also loved in Lord of the Rings. I guess you will have to read it to understand what I mean…


Navždy by Maya Sinay 3/5

Dovoľte mi hneď na začiatok povedať, že ja nie som romantická duša. Neverím v lásku na prvý pohlaď, alebo na ‘naveky vekov amen’. Ja som z tých praktických a triezvych žien, ktoré vedia, že čo príde môže odísť, veria v rovnoprávnosť, sebaisto bojujú za svoju individualitu a odvážne hovoria o svojej menštruácii. Ani jedna z romantických kníh, ktoré som čítala nekorešponduje s týmito mojimi charakteristikami a preto sa mi len ťažko stotožňuje s postavami v romantických príbehoch. Prečo nemôžeme mať romantickú knihu o silnej žene, ktorá sa vie postarať o seba, usporiadať si život a dosiahnuť svoje ciele? O žene, ktorá miluje muža nie preto, že ho potrebuje, ale pretože ho jednoducho ma rada? (Ak takúto knihu poznáte, určite mi napíšte.)

Ako som sa teda dostala k čítaniu romantickej knihy? Vyhrala som ju v hashtagovej súťaži organizovanej na Instagrame #citamenasich. Dlho ležala na poličke, pretože fantasy a young adult mali prednosť. No ako to býva, tuším som sa týmito dvoma žánrami predávkovala a ostala som úplne znechutená.

Vtedy prišlo na lámanie chleba, už som nechcela ani vidieť víly, elfov či fae. Mala som ich po krk, a stále mám. Takže som stála asi pätnásť minút pred mojou knihovníčkou a pozerala som bezradne na knihy. Nevedela som sa rozhodnúť, ktorú mam čítať. Po tých dlhých minútach som sa teda rozhodla pre experiment: zoberiem do ruky neprečítanú knihu, prečítam prvú stranu a ak ma zaujme čo i len trošičku a budem mať náladu pokračovať na stranu dva, tak dám knihe šancu.
No a kniha Navždy sa takto dostala do mojich rúk. Nemyslite si, že prvá strana je niečo nevídane, pravé naopak, po prečítaní som nebola nijako ohúrená, alebo užasnutá. Jednoducho sa to dobre čítalo. Ľahko napísané a nič svetoborné bolo čo som v tom okamihu potrebovala. Ak mám byť úplne úprimná, prvá myšlienka, ktorú som pri tejto knihe mala bola: “Moja sestra a ja sme zvykli písať podobné veci keď sme mali našu fan fiction mániu.”

Po prečítaní knihy som názor nezmenila, ale sú v živote čitateľa chvíle, keď pravé takáto kniha dobre padne. Príbeh Funny ma nič nenaučil, nič nevyriešil, nedonútil ma zamyslieť sa … jediné, čo som z tejto knihy mala bolo relax a pobavenie a úprimne som prekvapená, ako dobre mi to padlo.

Hlavnou postavou je Funny. Mladá slečna alebo žena, ktorá je profesionálna basketbalistka a študuje na vysokej škole. Zo začiatku som nad ňou prevracala oči. Bola úplný opak všetkého v čo ja verím. Potrebovala, aby sa o ňu vždy niekto staral a zachraňoval ju. Bola nemotorná, dostala sa do problémov, nevedela si veci vyriešiť sama, klasická „Bella Swan“. Už-už som to čítanie chcela vzdať. keď sa udialo niečo so som vôbec nečakala. A vďaka tejto jednej udalosti som čítala ďalej.

Teraz po dočítaní knihy mi je jasné, že sa autorka knihy snažila o vývoj postavy. Funny sa časom zmenila. Vývoj jej postavy nebol tak úplne podľa mojich predstav a bol úplne minimálny, ale bol. Funny dospela a niektoré veci si zrazu vedela vyriešiť sama a to sa mi na tejto knihe páčilo.
Bohužiaľ, tak ako som očakávala kniha bola plná klišé a presladených scén. Keby môj priateľ urobil niečo také, asi by som to v tomto vzťahu nevydržala. Nekonečne telefonáty typu: ‚Si v poriadku? ‘ mi prišli trochu prisilné. A hlavne v prípadoch napríklad ak Funny zaspala a niekto sa jej snažil dovolať a potom z toho robil veľké haló, že nezdvihla telefón. Toto ja naozaj nemusím. Napriek tomu, že je niekto vo vzťahu môže mať chvíľku pre seba. Nemusíme byt pod úplným drobnohľadom partnera.
Mám pocit, že pointa romantických kníh je v tom, že počas čítania by som mala túžiť, aby aj môj reálny vzťah bol taký ako ten literárny. Ale u mňa je to väčšinou naopak. Väčšinou som šťastná že neradím s takým človekom ako je v romantickej knihe, lebo asi by som ho nahlásila polícii.
Romantické knihy proste nie sú pre mňa...

Nechápte ma zle, ja mám rada romantiku v knihách, napríklad Aelin a Rowan alebo Manon a Dorian z Trónu zo Skla. Agneška a Drak z Uprooted. Zachraňujú jeden druhého, ale vedia sa postarať samy o seba. Sú rovnocenní partneri a nepotrebujú, aby sa ten druhý o nich staral. Sú spolu z jedného jediného dôvodu: Pretože sa majú radi.

Ak toto nie je to najromantickejšie čo existuje, tak potom neviem. Ak toto je skutočná, nezištná láska prečo o takýchto vzťahoch nečítame v romantických knihách?


The Language of Thorns - Leigh Bardugo 4/5

Leigh Bardugo is one of the authors who is hyped up in the bookstagram community and one of the authors who I haven’t read yet. I haven’t read any SJM before 2018… I know, I lived under the rock before bookstagram. But I am slowly catching up and getting through books and authors that all of you love. I didn’t want to start a series so I picked up Language of Thornes thinking it is a stand-alone. I found out that this book is a part of Grishaverse a little bit later. Never the less, I think it was very enjoyable despite the fact I haven’t read any other books from this fantasy world.

The book consists of six short stories, all resemble some classic fairy tales and all contain a strong element of magic. This read was very exciting. I loved to read short stories; feels like I finished six books in just two weeks. So here are few thoughts about each of the stories: 

Ayama and the Thorn Wood
- I love how easily was a girl of colour integrated into the story. I wish it was always this easy and natural. I also love that she become a monster herself, proving that monsters are nothing to fear of. The maze felt a little bit useless and not important. The repetition of the events in the story was a nice reference to the classic tales, but also a bit boring towards the end.

The Too-Clever Fox
- I didn't believe it was the woodcutter at the beginning of the story and I automatically suspected the girl. As the story progressed I started to trust the girl more and more just to find out, it was her all along!
- I loved that the main character was an animal - a fox. Reminded me strongly of Ezop's fables. I left like I should learn something from this story too. Trust your first judgement and guts, maybe? I also felt that the fox was beyond saving at the end so I was very surprised he lived, but I was happy he survived. I also really loved that he lived with his friend, the nightingale, at the end. This story felt very cute and very dark, I loved that contrast.

The Wich of Duva
- This was a very unique story. The Wich was a good character and I love to break the superstitions and cliches. What I admired about this story was how easily can a bad character change into a good one and vice versa. Looking at the facts from another point of view made so much difference and the horrible step-mother suddenly turned into a protector. There was a hint of sexual abuse at the end - a total shock to me - but well written and incorporated. Very subtle and smooth. Lovely done in the way it will shock you but if you don't focus you might miss it.
- I have to noten here that I loved the little bear cub.

Little Knife
- A great way of integrating feminism in the story; the pretty girl asking all essential questions & men not listening to her is an amazing demonstration of how it should not be. The girls also have brains not just looks. I also loved that she ended up with a woman at the end. Was this intended LGBT+ hint? Again it was naturally included in the story and so well written. I wish more books were like this.

The Soldier Prince
- My least favourite story from the book. It was very confusing. Very unusual, it felt like a mix of the Nutcracker and Prince and Ballerina story by Hans Christian Andersen and the Piper and the rats story. But I was confused with how he got to be alive. How did he make any of the wishes or decisions? And most of all how did he swap the place with the maker? Did I get it right that the toy maker killed people to somehow include their soul into the toy?
I didn't like the main female protagonist, she seemed weak and soft and too self-centred. This was, of course, intended and I think she was a well-built character but I still didn't like her.

When Water Sang Fire
- The best was served to us at the end. This story was clearly the little mermaid inspired. The story of Ursula and... I loved every single word! It was perfectly thought through! The details of the spells and dialogues were well balanced. The character development in the short story is sometimes hard to do but it was simply amazingly done. Again, Leigh mastered the change from good to evil and vice versa which will probably stun me every time. The world in this story felt complete and the background for the setting had so much detail, history, legends. Just perfect, five-star short story.
- Magic spell with mirror at the end gave me goosebumps for days! It was incredible.


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