About Podcasts

(English below)

Môj osobný názor je, že audio knihy sa nerátajú ako čítanie. Nechápte ma zle, ak máte radi hovorené slovo a počúvate audio knihy je to úžasné. Váš mozog ale vykonáva iný kognitívny proces, takže to nie je čítanie.
Ja nepočúvam audio knihy, ale mám veľmi rada podcasty. Počas práce alebo keď šoférujem domov z kancelárie vždy si nejaký pustím. Tu je zoznam mojich obľúbených podcastov, ktoré sa perfektne hodia pre knihomoľov:

Klarin Podcast.

Toto je skvelý podcast v češtine. Je to jediný podcast, ktorý počúvam v inom jazyku ako angličtine. Klárka je veľká knihomoľka s príjemným hlasom. Venuje sa dabingu o ktorom vám tiež v jednej epizóde porozpráva. Rozpráva tiež o seriáloch a filmoch. Rada cestuje a podcast robí v každej zaujímavej destinácii kam sa vyberie s jej kamarátkami. To, čo sa mi páči na tomto podcaste je množstvo tém. Nájdete tu cestovanie, knihy, jedlo... v podstate tu je všetko, čo knihomoli zbožňujú....

How to be a girl. (Ako byt dievca.)

Marlo Mack je gender mom. Jej malé dieťa (chlapček) jej povedalo že je dievča hneď ako bolo dosť veľké a vedelo rozprávať. Ako sa vysporiadať s takouto zmenou? Ako vychovávať dieťa, ktoré je v tak malom veku transgender? Odpovede nie sú, ale otázok je veľa...
Čo zbožňujem na tomto podcaste je, že Marlo nehovorí čo je správne a čo je nesprávne. Ako správna matka chce pre svoje dieťa len to najlepšie. A toto je skutočný príbeh jej rodiny... 

My dad wrote a Porno (Moj otec napisal Porno) 

Tento podcast je vlastne čítanie knihy Belinda Blinked od autora Rocky Flinstone. Je to erotická novela, ktorá je napísaná naozaj hrozne. Táto kniha je úplná katastrofa napísaná 60 ročným mužom. Takže jeho syn sa rozhodol ukázať túto strašnú knihu celému svetu a správnym štýlom ju zosmiešniť.
To, čo sa mi na tomto podcaste páči je, že epizódy sú krátke. Je to neskutočne vtipné a smiešne. Tiež zbožňujem anglický prízvuk troch členov tímu. Tento podcast je to najsmiešnejšie a najhnusnejšie čo som kedy počula.

Swish and Flick

Zvolávam všetkých Potterovcov! Ak ste si mysleli, že viete všetko o čarodejníckom svete... MÝLITE SA. Štyri dievčatá, ktoré sú zodpovedné za Swish and Flick vám dokážu, že je toho veľmi veľa čo neviete a čo treba objaviť. Postupne čítajú knihy, kapitolu za kapitolou a rozoberajú to, čo sa v nej udialo a verte mi keď vám poviem, že sa vám ani nesnívalo o tom čo sa v knihách skrýva.
Toto je momentálne môj najobľúbenejší podcast, pretože rozširuje moje Potterovské vedomosti a pretože ak nemôžem čítať (v práci) tak je to okno do čarodejníckeho sveta. Keď dievčatá vysvetlia niečo čo ma doteraz ani len nenapadlo mám zimomriavky a všetky vlasy mi stoja dupkom. Som neskutočne šťastná a nadšená že tento podcast existuje. NAJLEPŠÍ PODCAST NA SVETE! 

Unexpected Podcast - Talkin’ Tolkien (Necakany Podcast - Rozpravame Tolkiena)

Zatiaľ som počula len prvú epizódu, ale viem že to budem zbožňovať. Za tento podcast sú zodpovedný dvaja muži, ktorí znova čítajú Pána Prsteňov. Začínajú trilógiou, ale v pláne je postupne prejsť cez všetky Tolkienove knihy. Ako postupujú kapitolu po kapitole vysvetľujú a spájajú väčšie súvislosti, ktoré nám Tokien zanechal v jeho knihách.
Zatiaľ vám neviem presne povedať prečo je tento podcast super, ale .... je to predsa Pán Prsteňov! Ak toto nie je dostatočný dôvod na vypočutie tak neviem čo je.

Aké podcasty počúvate vy?

I personally don’t consider the audiobooks as reading. I am not going to judge you if you enjoy the audiobooks because spoken word is always a great fun but to me it is not reading.
I don’t do audio books but I do enjoy podcast when I am working or during the driving to and from the office. So here are my fav podcasts perfect for booklovers.

 Klarin podcast 

This is a great podcast for Slovakian and Czech people, it is not in English - sorry. Klarka is a huge bookie with smoothing voice. She also overdabs for a tv which she has an episode about too. She talks about series as well as movies. She loves to travel and she does podcast from all exciting destinations that she goes to with her friends.
What I like about the podcast is the variety of topics. There is travel, there are books, food… there is everything that bookies love.

How to be a girl. 

Marlo Mack is a gender mom. Her little baby boy told her that she is a girl as soon as she was able to speak. How do you deal with such a change? How do you raise a transgender child? So many questions and no answers...
What I love about this podcast is that Marlo doesn’t say what is right and what is wrong. She does what she feels is the best for her child (as every other mum does). And this is just her family story...

My dad wrote a Porno - FOR ADULTS ONLY!

The podcast is an actual read of a book called Belinda Blinked by Rocky Flintstone. This is an erotic novel, but it is written in a horrible way. This book is a disaster novel written by 60 year old man. So his son decided to show this horrible book to the world and make fun of it in the right way.
What I love about this podcast is that the episodes are short. I love how much fun there is. I also enjoy the British accent of the three involved protagonists. This podcast is the funniest and most discussing thing I have ever heard. And I am here for it... 

Swish and flick. 

Calling all Potterheads, if you think you know everything about the wizarding world… YOU. ARE. WRONG. The four girls behind the Swish and flick podcast will prove you that there is so much knowledge still to be discovered. They re-read the books one chapter at a time and then they analyse everything that happens and trust me when I say that they make connections that I have never dreamed of. 
I love this podcast because it expands my Potter knowledge, because it is a window into the wizarding world. When they explain something that I never thought about until now I get chills and hair on the back of my neck stands up. I am so so so excited and happy this podcast exsists. BEST PODCST EVER!

Unexpected Podcast – Talkin’ Tolkien

I have only listened to the first episode of Talkin’ Tolkien, but I know I will love this. The two men who are behind this brilliant thing are re-reading the Lord of the Rings books. They start with the trilogy but the plan is to go thorugh all the books. As they re-read one chapter at a time they explain and connect dots that Tolkien left us in his book. 
 I can’t tell you at this point why I love this podcast as I only heard the first episode, but … it is freaking Lord of the Rings guys. If that is not why to listen to this then I don’t know what is.

What podcasts do you listen to?


2020 Book Releases I am excited about

The Night Country by Melissa Albert
Expected Publication Date: 7. January 2020

GoodReads: 4 stars
The second part of The Hazel Wood. In the The Night Country, Alice dives back into a menacing, mesmerizing world of dark fairy tales and hidden doors. Follow her and Ellery Finch as they learn The Hazel Wood was just the beginning, and that worlds die not with a whimper, but a bang…

My thoughts:
Have I read the first book? No. Am I excited about the second book? HELL YES! Despite the fact that I don’t even own The Hazel Wood the blurb is exciting. The story line of both are interesting and I want to read them, but why, oh why, are there so many other books already on my shelf that I need to read first?

The Throne of Swans by Katharine Corr and Elizabeth Corr
Expected publication date: 9. January 2020

GoodReads: 4 stars
In a world where the flightless are ruled by those who can fly…
When her father dies just before her birthday 17 years old Aderyn inherits the role of Protector of of Atratys, a dominion in a kingdom where nobles are able to transform at will in the bird that represents their family bloodline. Aderyn’s ancestral bird is s swan. But she has not transformed since witnessing the death of her mother – ripped apart by hawks that have supposedly been extinct since the  long ago War of the Raptors. With her parents gone she is in the mercy of her brutal uncle, the king and his court. Driven by revenge and love she must venture into hear of the Citadel in order to seek the truth about the attack that so nearly destroyed her and fight for the home she vowed to protect.

My thoughts: I love the idea of people transforming into birds. It is essentially one of my dreams. To be able to fly free like a bird. I doubt this book will have this element but I am very excited to find out. Apart from the magic element there is a promise of plotting and foreshadowing on the high level and I feel like this book might be very unpredictable. But I guess I will have to see for myself.

Dreamland by Nancy Bilyeau
Expected publishing date: 16. January 2020

Good Reads: 4 stars
The year is 1911 when 20 year old heiress Peggy is ivited to spend the summer in America’s Playbgound. Initiation to the Luxurious Oriental House is unwelcome, Peggy would much rather spend time working in the bookstore than keeping up appearances with her New York City snobbish controlling family. But soon it transpires that the hedonism of nearby Coney Island affords Peggy freedom and it is not long before she fall in love with troubled artist who Batternberg patriarchs would not approve of. Hidden behind their pomposity lurks a web of deceit, betrayal and deadly secrets. As bodies start to mount up amidst the sweltering clamour it seem the powerful can get away with anything … even murder.

My thoughts:
Ok, this sounds like a boring romance… wait a minute bodies what? I think this might be great book that starts all sweet and soft and page by page goes darker then you would think. This sounds good to me and I can’t wait to start reading. I asked for ebook ARC and I got it… so the book review might come your way soon.

All the Stars and Teeth by Adalyn Grace
Expected publication day: 4. February 2020

Good Reads: 4 stars
Set in a kingdom where danger lurks beneath the sea, mermaid seek vengeance with song, and magic is a choice.

My thoughts: The title doesn’t sound very good… but hold on, mermaids? Magic? I am in! this is the first book in the series and I think it might be very interesting journey into the underwater world which we don’t get to visit enough in the books.  It reminds me of one of the short stories from The Language of Thorns by Leigh Bardugo which I LOVED! So if I can get a series similar to that story I am ready to dive in! (Pun intended)

Havenfall by Sara Holland
Expected Publication date: 3 march 2020

Good Reads: 4 Stars
Maddie Morrow lives for the summers at the Inn at Havenfall, hidden up in the mountain of Colorado. The Inn is the only place where she gets to see the boy she loves, Brekken and it provides an escape from her real life, which consists of endless mind-numbing days at High School… and visits to the local prison where her mother sits on Death Row accused of murdering Maddie’s brother. This summer everything is going wrong a dead body is discovered that shatters the Inn’s sanctuary status. Who is responsible for the murder? Maddie realizes even greater dangers face them all….

My thoughts: I was honoured to read 30 pages extract of this upcoming book. I am thrilled! Sara Holland writing style is so appealing. The story is about our world and fictional worlds that all meet in one place called Havenfall. This is some kind of portal or passage between all of them. There is magic and some long gone war…. I am sitting on the edge of my chair just after 2 chapters! I have so many questions about the plot and I can’t wait to get the answers in March!

The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins
Expected Publication date: 19.May 2020

GoodReads: 4 stars
This book will revisit the world of Panem sixty-four years before the events of The Hunger Games, starting on the morning of the reaping of the tenth Huger Games.

My thoughts: OH BOY! OH BOY! OH BOY! I have chills. I have goose bumps and I can’t sit still. The Hunger games was a trilogy I didn’t let go from my hands. I was reading while walking to school (no joke). Already pre-ordered this one and I bet it will be my fav book of the year!

The Sky Weaver by Kristen Ciccarelli
Expected Publication Date: 28 May 2020

GoodReads: 4 stars
At the end of one world, there always lies another. Safire, a soldier, knows her role in the world is to serve the king of Firgaard – Helping to maintain the peace in her oft-troubled nation. Eris a deadly pirate, has no such conviction. Known as the Death Dancer for their ability to evade the most determined of pursuers she posses

My thoughts: You had me at “dragons” at book one so just gimme the ending!
*Update: I recieved approval on NetGalley so I will be reading this at the begining of the year! yeek!

The Empire of Gold by S.A. Chakraborty
Expected publication day: 30 June 2020

GoodReads: 4 stars
The final chapter in the bestselling Daevabad Trilogy in which con-woman and an idealistic djin prince join forces to save a magical kingdom from devastation civil war.

My thoughts: I have no idea what I just read/wrote…. I haven’t managed to read the first two books and the 3rd one is already coming out?! Oh well, I guess I will just have to buy all three and read them in one breath. Anyone wants to join me?


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