BR: Žiadne prudké pohyby - Maxim E. Matkin - 3/5

Maxim E. Matkin je prvý slovenský autor, ktorého som čítala z vlastnej vôle. Nikdy som nebola fanúšikom slovenskej literatúry (povinne čítanie bol pre mňa horor). No Maxim ma k nej doviedol ako slepú hus k zrnu. Jeho knihy zbožňujem kvôli kontroverzným témam, malým detailom a bezvýznamným momentom. Citáty, ktoré ukazujú ako napriek tomu, že niektoré veci berieme za samozrejmosť alebo ich považujeme za nepodstatné vôbec také nie sú.
Kniha sa odohráva na Slovensku v Miestnom zapadákove, v Okresnej diere a na Malte. Tieto satirické a humorné prezývky sú jedným z dôvodov prečo sa mi knihy páčia. 

Ale poďme ku knihe Žiadne prudké pohyby. Ak by som vám však mala opísať dej predpokladám, že by to bola nuda. Napriek tomu, že Matkinove knihy nie sú na svete kvôli príbehu, ide skôr o vnútorné prežívanie postáv, táto kniha za ostatnými zaostáva. Tohto slovenského autora čítam kvôli hlbokým myšlienkam a skvelým citátom. Postavy s ktorými sa buď stotožníte alebo poznáte niekoho, kto by do Matkinovej knihy pasoval sú dôvod prečo jeho knihy milujeme. Bohužiaľ, Žiadne prudké pohyby nepriniesla čo sľúbila a autor akoby do tejto knihy nevložil svoje ironické srdce. Kniha sa zaoberá tým, že aj ľudia ktorý celý svoj život niekoho zachranujú sa zrazu ocitnú na opačnej strane váh a potrebuju zachrániť. Táto myšlienka bola v knihe naznačená, no nezdalo sa mi jej vyjadrenie dostatočne silné. Záver knihy, kedy to podla mna malo byť najviac zvýraznené akoby uplinul do neznáma.

Hlavnými postavami sú bratia – dvojičky - Chrasta a Sakriš. Jeden z bratov sa rozviedol a časť knihy sa venuje tomu ako sa s tým vyrovnáva, zatiaľ čo druhý podal výpoveď v práci a snaží sa urobiť si poriadok vo svojom dvore. Napriek tomu že kniha ponúka dve rozdielne dejové línie bratov, v určitom okamihu mi akosi splynuli do jednej. Nie som si istá či to bol zámer, alebo je za to zodpovedná len moja hlava? Sexuologička nám mala odpovedať na otázky ktoré sa bojíme opýtať, ale ani to sa bohužiaľ nestalo...

Kniha je krátka a ľahko sa číta. Zvládla som to za týždeň, pričom musím spomenúť že čítam veľmi pomaly. Napriek tomu že nedosiahla moje očakávania, celkom ma pobavila – „taká oddychová“. No z Maximovej dielne som zvyknutá na lepšie diela. Na citáty ktoré ma prinútia zamyslieť sa nad mojim životom. Na situácie, ktoré mi prinesú slzy do očí a zimomriavky. Na kontroverzné témy a na uplne odlišný pohľad od postáv ktoré holdujú alkoholu. 

Nelámem však nad Maximom palicu, na poličke mám Zvláštne šťastie, takže uvidíme čo prinesie jeho najnovší titul.

Meet my forever Fluff-Fluff!

I was taking photos and she just curled up in my lap, all by herself. Perfection!

Today I would like to talk about a little monster who lives with my boyfriend and me. Today I would like to talk about Luna; a six… ehm… seven years old Highland Birman cat who lives with us for four months now. I haven’t officially introduced Luna to you and I would like to do so today… 

Luna previously lived in a lovely family but her mom had a little human baby who became allergic so they had to find a new home for beloved kittycat. As soon as I saw Luna's picture I was in love. We applied for the adoption and went to see the family. It took several weeks for the decision and it was nerve-wracking… as I already loved the cat. Yes, I just wanted this fluffy cat with gorgeous eyes. Can you blame me?

We went to see Luna and her family in their house and then they came to see our house so they will know where their little sweetheart will stay if they pick us. After a few weeks, they decided that we will be a good family for Luna. I couldn’t believe it! I was in the denial and I was expecting them to change their minds any day.

In the morning of the day D (November 2018) her mom sent me below photo of Luna in her travel basket and I still didn’t believe it. 

Luna on her way to our house.

It has been four months now since Luna joined us. From being a couple we went to very weird family but I don’t consider myself to be her mom. I have not picked her name, I have not raised her from the kitten so I don’t have any right for that title. Instead; she is my best friend, my sidekick and my reading companion and forever my fluff-fluff.

The beginning was hard, for her and for her previous family too. But I believe we are all doing much better now. Luna sleeps all the time and nothing (apart from snacks) wakes her up. She loves to play and loves to get cuddles. She loves to sleep next to me like a little spoon and use my arm as a pillow. She loves to climb on the wardrobe and look down on us (peasants). She loves to chase the strings, scarves, ribbons, cable cords or my hairbands... Her favourite sleeping position is, what I call; fluffy doughnut. She is infinite, and you have no clue where the beginning and the end of this cat is. Her legs look short and she seems a bit fat, but I tell you it is all just because she is so ridiculously fluffy. Every time I come from work, give her a little cuddle I am surprised how fluffy and soft she is. I will never get over that gorgeous coat of hers. She is still scaredy-cat and I make her jump when I sneeze or if I cheer for something that happened in the book. Luna gives me unappreciated look as a punishment.

She is not very into catnip, but she does love the brush. Doesn’t matter what brush to be honest. When I brush my hair she sits next to me and meows and reaches out with her paw demanding some brush action for herself. She is very much obsessed with her radiator bed which she's got for Christmas 2018 and if you don’t see her around, she is definitely sleeping in there. She also loves company of people; cats, not as much. When I am home she will followe me around and overlook what I am doing. If I get up from sofa in the living room and go to get glass of water to kitchen, she will come with me. If I go upstairs to bed, she will come to join me in about 5 minutes later. She doesn't like to be alone, and she is always curious about things that are happening in the house. If I start taking bookstagram pictures, she will definately come to check it out. Sniffing the (unlit) candels, playing with fairy lights or simply finding a spot on the set are her favourite activities. I always make sure she is safe in the process and I would never do anything to harm her. The only torture I do to her is to give her a lot of kisses and hugs even if she tries to escape my grasp. But she still purrs in the process... and then comes back for more... 

I am sure you all secretly love Luna and I am well aware that you came here to see cute cat pictures. So here you go... You are welcome...

The Fluffy doughnut sleeping possition.

The box is mine human, walk away.

Luna's radiator box in the living room.

"Ok, now you can take pictures for your Instagram."

"This is a terrible instagram layout. These books make no sense."


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