This review will be a bit different than usual; because I was reading the book Trhlina by Slovakian author Jozef Karika I will write this review in Slovakian language and post English translation below.
Trhlina bola dobrá kniha, očakávala som, že sa budem viac báť a že to bude strašidelnejšie, ale zanechala vo mne dobrý celkový dojem. Začiatok mi poriadne nahnal husiu kožu, ale napätie a mystéria sa niekde v strede knihy úplne vytratili. Záver bol však skvelým vyvrcholením. Brilantne vystupňovaný dej a skvelo zakončené rozprávanie je určite čo táto kniha ponúka. Znova sa vrátili zimomriavky a všetky vlasy na hlave mi stáli dupkom zatial čo som čítala cez slzy, lebo som sa pri posledných kapitolách bála žmurknúť. Najtažšie však bolo nepreskakovat riadky či strany, ale trpezlivo čítať.
Dej knihy je v podstate jednoduchý. Hlavný hrdina Igor rozpráva, čo zažil počas výletu do pohoria Tribeč, aby to rozprávanie dávalo zmysel musí ale začať od začiatku a vysvetliť ako sa vlastne k celej Tribečskej záhade dostal. Prvé kapitoly obsahujú rozprávanie o dokumentoch a starých platniach, ktoré Igor náhodou objavil. Záznam na týchto platniach ma naozaj trochu vykolajil, riadky mi naháňali husiu kožu a pristihla som sa pri zadržiavani dychu. Bolo to ozaj napínavé čítanie, bohužial dlho to nevydržalo a stredná časť knihy upadla do určitej monotónnosti. Nič zaujímavé sa neudialo a chvíľu som mala pocit že táto kniha do hororového žánru vôbec nepatrí. Stred knihy bol zameraný hlavne na zhromažďovanie informácií a na prípravu na výlet a čitatel lepšie pochopil vzťahy medzi hlavnými postavami.
Musím pripustiť, že som sa nevedela stotožniť ani s jednou hlavnou postavou. Igor sa mi zdal príliš lahkomyselný, jeho priatelka Mia bola na môj vkus moc podozrievavá a hysterická a zvyšní dvaja členovia partie boli úplné protiklady. Dávid bol učiteľ, čo sa príliš spoliehal na logiku a odmietal všetko ostatné a Andrej bol priveľmi naivný a veril vo všetko, čo sa dočítal v knihách a na internete. Ani jedna z postáv nebola vnútorne vyvážená.
Napriek tomu čítanie zážitkov tejto štvorice bolo nanajvýš zaujímavé a mrazivé, neodporúčam toto čítanie ľahkým povahám a ľudom čo sa boja tmy a lesov.
Ak sa, ale naopak radi bojíte, tak potom je práve toto kniha pre vás.
Ak sa, ale naopak radi bojíte, tak potom je práve toto kniha pre vás.
Otazka ale znie; je to skutočný príbeh alebo si to celé Igor vymyslel?
Trlina was a good book, I was expecting to be more scared and it to be more creepy but it left a good impression. The beginning of the book gave me goosebumps but the tension and the mystery died out somewhere in the middle completely. The end, on the other hand, was the perfect climax. Brilliantly build up plot and a great ending to the story is exactly what this book offers. The goosebumps returned and all my hair stood up as I was reading the last chapters through my tears afraid to blink. Although the hardest part was not to skip lines or pages but read patiently.
The plot of the book is at its core simple. The main character Igor tells a story about the strange experience during the hike into the mountains of Tribec; for this story to make sense he had to start from the very beginning for readers to understand how he came across the whole Tribec mystery at the first place. The first chapters deal with Igor's accidental discovery of the old records and LPs. The content of the LPs did freak me out, the lines gave me goosebumps and I found myself withholding my breath. It was very tense reading but unfortunately, it didn't last long and the middle of the book fell into the monotony. Nothing interesting had happened and I started to doubt if this book belongs to the horror genre. This section of the book was dedicated to the collection of the information and to the preparations for the hike while the reader had better chance to understand the relationships between the main characters.
I have to admit, I couldn't identify myslef with any of the characters. Igor seemed to be a bit reckless, his girlfriend Mia suspicious and other two members of the group were complete opposites. David was a teacher who relied too much on his logic and denied everything else and Andrej was too naive and believed in everything he read in books or online. None of them had internal balance.
I have to admit, I couldn't identify myslef with any of the characters. Igor seemed to be a bit reckless, his girlfriend Mia suspicious and other two members of the group were complete opposites. David was a teacher who relied too much on his logic and denied everything else and Andrej was too naive and believed in everything he read in books or online. None of them had internal balance.
I have to admit that there were two things I didn't enjoy about this book. Firstly, (I mentioned this before) the boring part in the middle of the book. I am sure that this section could be summed up on fewer pages which would help the dynamics of the story and the tension. Secondly; and I will try to describe this as best as possible, was unrequited dragging before every major discovery. I felt that these parts were supposed to add to the dramatic mood and tension but I found them useless maybe even annoying. Let's say Igor discovered something and said: "What the hell!" from that moment on it took one or two pages to find out what provoked this vulgar response.
Despite these things, I did find reading about the adventures of the quartet enjoyable and creepy. I do not recommend this book to weaker nature persons and to those who are afraid of the forests and/or dark. If you, on the other hand, like to be scared that this is a perfect book for you.
The queston is; was this a true story or did Igor made it all up?
Despite these things, I did find reading about the adventures of the quartet enjoyable and creepy. I do not recommend this book to weaker nature persons and to those who are afraid of the forests and/or dark. If you, on the other hand, like to be scared that this is a perfect book for you.
The queston is; was this a true story or did Igor made it all up?